Door Access Systems
Door handles, locks, latches, actuators, touch buttons, remote keyless entry and central lock control units have been long appreciated by bus, coach and caravan manufacturers as reliable, durable and indispensable components for their vehicles.
Door and luggage compartment flap latches are very robust parts appreciated by Truck, Bus & Coach, Caravan and off-road vehicle manufacturers for their strength, wear & corrosion free long service lives.

Door and luggage compartment flap latches are very robust parts for using long years in trucks, buses, caravan and off road vehicles.

Remote Controls, Key Fobs, Electric & Pneumatic Actuators and Automation Systems are prerequisites requirements of advanced entry solutions.

One Key Solution
All Handles & Locks can be fitted with the same locking cylinder bearing a single key combination attributed from a wide choice of combinations allows operators to use a single key to open all locks, doors, luggage & engine flaps, fuel caps, glove containers, situated on the vehicle. Each vehicle can be attributed with a unique key combination preventing cross opening of keys belonging to other vehicles.
Electrical & Pneumatic Systems
All handles can be equipped with electric actuators enabling remote control or central control operations. Transmitters Key Fobs, Receivers, Controllers, Electric Actuators and other sub-components are manufactured and vigorously tested at Makersan with automotive quality standards for ensured reliability for a long service life for either 12V or 24V systems. Electrical Control system is capable of communicating through Vehicle CAN bus protocol enabling system builders a seamless vehicle integration. Code rolling technology at transmitters and receivers ensures highest safety against code interception and theft thus providing security for vehicle owners. Switches on handles and latches provides feedback to central controlling unit preventing any malfunctions thus ensuring safety at all actuations.

Full Electrical Systems
All handles can be equipped with either electric or pneumatic actuators enabling remote control or central control operations for lucking or unlocking the vehicle. Switches on handles and latches provides feedback to central controlling unit preventing any malfunctions thus ensuring safety at all actuations.